Learning to code at a young age creates more career possibilities for children and young people. At its foundation, computer programs are written using programming languages. Coding for children is usually taught using high-interest content, while creating projects involving creative input.

Things To Keep In Mind Before Enrolling

A curriculum that is too academic and mundane, leads to a child losing interest in Coding. Thus, to create an engaging course that match your child’s interests is one of the main motives of CYBEORG. Through creating video games and apps, is how we choose to teach coding, because they provide students with a fun and engaging way to learn coding concepts. It is advisable for parents to provide a PC with adequate necessities for practicing various programming languages.

Appropriate Age For Children

CYBEORG has a curriculum which is specially designed for kids from classes- Kindergarten to 2; thus, children can start learning to code from the age of 5-6. It is made fun as they have to create any projects throughout the course. They learn to code using visual block interfaces or age appropriate text-based coding classes.

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Course Convenience

There are 4 different curriculums designed by CYBEORG which are: the 12 classes program, the 48 classes program, the 100 classes program and the 144 classes program. CYBEORG provides for a very easy payment option; as well as an easy cancellation process, without any unnecessary questioning. There will be 2 classes per week and the students will have the option of choosing the two days of the week by themselves.

The Need for Additional Coding Education Beyond K-12

Sadly, even if your K-12 school is one of the few that regularly offers coding courses, students are usually not being properly trained. Whether they struggle to integrate the correct languages that will leap into your kid's future or they just don't have as many support and services as supplementary programs can have. Next level content enables students to use real text based languages to create their own games, apps and web pages.

How Coding Can Help You in Any Career

Coding is not only essential for children wanting to pursue their career in Computers, but learning to code will raise your child's chances of securing a promising career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics; especially in a world where computing jobs are rising at more than twice the national average. Computer coding involves well developed communication, leadership and management skills coupled with creative technicality.

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The Best Computers for Different Age Groups

Any device with a 16 GB RAM and 128GB of SSD is required for the Coding online classes.


PYTHON: Students should have very few challenges with Python in terms of learning how to program. They should be able to learn how to construct programming ideas within their heads and then concentrate on translating those ideas into instructions that can be interpreted by the computer.

JAVA: Java is probably a little harder to learn than either Ruby or Python, so it will make learning any subsequent language a little easier for students to choose Java as a first-time programming language.

C++: This programming language can look a little like math, which can put students off the concept of code learning. Nevertheless, once the basic programming principles are known, C++ will open several doors into the programming world.

SCRATCH: The kids who are interested in creating animations, interactive stories, art or music, then Scratch is a coding language that can be learned. Its popularity is increasing every day, with new developments in technology.

The Best Computer for Teaching Children Coding​


EXPERT AND HELPFUL FACULTY: CYBEORG gives its students, the opportunity to learn from the computer science experts themselves. The faculty has graduated from various IIT and IIM universities across India. The teachers have made a tremendous effort to pass on the knowledge they have gained in esteemed colleges in the most enjoyable way possible.


QUALITY OF THE COURSE: The curriculum focuses on providing children with utmost liberty to engage and explore the fun that comes along with learning Coding. Here, the students build puzzles, games, art forms, 2D drawings etc., and a very healthy and competent atmosphere is created amongst them, which also helps in boosting their morale. CYBEORG also encourages live interactive classes between students and the teachers.

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